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Soccer Standings

VALUE LEAGUE - Early Spring 2021 Monday Indoor Soccer (5 on 5 - With Goalie) @ Pitch 25


  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
PI *
1   MSG 7 1 0 87.5 14 48 125 77 52
2   Win or Booze 6 2 0 75.0 12 35 103 68 44
3   Team 4 2 2 62.5 10 8 89 81 26
4   Los Mekanics 4 3 0 57.1 8 6 75 69 22
5   F.C. Difficile 3 3 2 50.0 8 -1 82 83 10
6   Hopecity FC 2 3 2 42.9 6 -7 69 76 6
7   TBD 2 5 0 28.6 4 -15 56 71 6
8   Lofty Goals 2 6 0 25.0 4 -32 70 102 6
9   Real Coholics 1 6 0 14.3 2 -42 42 84 8
* PI = Power Index
The Power Index is a strength-of-schedule metric that is calculated by summing the Ranking Points of each team's vanquished opponents.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.